Posted by Charles McKinnon on 4:55 PM

The thrid one is acrylic and the first two are oil. Rather rusty with oil and have been doing acrylic all semester for figure 2 so it will take some time to get in the swing.

Posted by Scott Daly on 11:56 PM

Tommy Painting.

Posted by Matthew Byle on 9:34 AM

Sweet stuff dudes, here's a little something I did over the weekend and a little different technique I was trying out in class for portrait with Eric.

Posted by Tyler Scarlet on 4:47 PM

Here are some oil paintings that i did at Cliff's Saturday drawing clinic. I have been finding it really fun to do these quick paintings that range from 2o mins to 45 mins long. I am getting faster and getting to explore different styles. These were all done on foam core boards which are really great to paint on and cuts the drying time too. I did some today too but they are still a little wet and I don't feel like wiping oil paint all over my scanner. There is going to be one more drawing clinic on the 6th if you guys want to try it out.

Also i was talking to Scott and he had the awesome idea of us all getting together and painting some landscapes or doing some figure painting. Also to go along with that Charles said that his friends that model for him could model for us, all we would have to do is just buy them lunch or something. Anyways tell me what you guys think! If you guys want to do it we could figure out a day that works best for all of us and go and try it out. I think it would be fun.


Posted by Charles McKinnon on 6:51 PM

Here is today's life painting, with the painful color scheme I like to call "sunset in an orangegrove while on acid." The second is a self portrait done from life/a photo to varying degrees. It came out a lot blotchier then I would have liked but overall not a total disaster.

Posted by Charles McKinnon on 6:14 PM

Heres another from Figure II.

Posted by Wesley Eggebrecht on 11:44 PM

Hey everyone, here are some oil studies I have been doing. Trying to work on my traditional skills a bit.
Study from reference photo. (out of class / oil)

Study in class (oil / digital)

Study in class (oil)

Study in class (oil)

Posted by Matthew Byle on 10:11 PM

Here's a couple of paintings I have done recently, the colors and such are a bit off... the top one is a painting i did to go along with some shoes for a vans shoe show and the bottom is a homework assignment for Eric's portrait painting class.